Contact and giving

Please help us to update our records by completing and returning this form:

Please get in touch with us using this form:

If you like to support the work or our Church here are some ways you can do so…

Standing Order

If you use Internet banking simply go online and set up the standing order yourself using the account details below.

Please Note:
If you don’t yet have a FWO number at Holy Trinity we must first allocate you a number. Contact the church wardens, secretary or use the form on this page to send us an email and we can get this set up for you.

Bank:                       Ulster Bank Ltd, Belfast City 2 Office

Sort Code:                980010

Account Name     Parish of Glencraig

Account Number: 08832041

Please Note:
This method is under your control and can be stopped at any time by simply notifying your bank. If you have any queries about giving to Glencraig Parish, please do not hesitate to contact us and we’ll do everything we can to help.

Weekly Giving Envelopes

You can also give to the church by using weekly envelopes which you can put on the offering plate. Contact the church wardens or send us an email and we can issue you envelopes asap.

Gift Aid Declaration

However you donate, if you are a UK tax payer, please consider filling in a Gift Aid declaration form, this allows us to claim an additional 25% on what you give if you are a UK taxpayer.

You can download a Gift-Aid-Declaration form here and thank you for  your time and when complete please return it to the church office.

Alternatively you can send us an email or give us a call:


Telephone (Vicarage):
028 9042 1691

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